Saturday, July 9, 2011

Madrid and Segovia

This happened June 28 and 29.  Sorry for the ridiculous lateness.  

The school had a long weekend due to this national holdiay.  Wasn't quite sure what to do, so I decided to go to Madrid.  The only time I had been there was the wild night of partying that happened last weekend (sarcasm about the wild partying bit).    Madrid wasn't too bad.  I had a really good time enjoying myself with Emily over in Madrid.  We visited the Reina Sophia museum and the Prado.   Absolutely gorgeous.

Although the Prado did not allow pictures, I did manage
to find this picture.  It almost makes up for the lack of art pictures.  
They had a whole exhibit dedicated to Polka dotted
bouncy balls in he Reina Sophia museam.  I'm
not even being sarcastic here.

The next day we went to Segovia.  The Roman aquaducts were pretty gorgeous over there.  Mostly just walked around.  It was good to walk around with no definite plans.  Good times were had by all.

Me and Emily by the Aqueducts 

It was quite unfortunate that Democracy died in Segovia.
Oh well.  I guess it just happens sometimes.


  1. I got till the 31 of July. A little over a week. I can't complain, as I have been here for about 2 months.

  2. Man, complain all you want. The world is listening.
