Monday, June 20, 2011

My new favorite Spanish word

I was reading through some of Daniel's books today when I came across a copy of the Silmarillion in Spanish.  I was reading the jacket of the book when I came across this gem: El Señor Oscuro.  Spanish for the Dark Lord.
El Señor Oscuro
Needless to say, I was absolutely delighted to find this.  I started celebrating by loudly proclaiming my dark Lordship over the household.  I laughed maliciously at the pathetic fate of all who crossed my path.  When Daniel and Carlos started looking at me funny, I shot fire from my fingertips at them.  For all of you unaware of the technical aspects of shooting fire from your fingertips, all you need to do is point your fingers at the object you are about to obliterate and make a loud hissing noise.  The hissing is to signify the said objects immanent doom, of course.  

Me shooting fire from my fingertips

As it was just my first day on the job as Dark Lord, the fire from the fingertips didn't quite work out.  Daniel and Carlos really started looking at me funny at this point.  Maybe I need to go to a Dark Lord workshop in Utumno or Mordor somewhere. 

Location of the next Dark Lord convention

 As the fire didn't work, I summoned all the minions from the shadows to come and get them.  I got 'shadows' (tinieblas) from Psalms about a week ago.  My minions seemed to like the deep shadows just fine and didn't come out.  The maid started laughing at me so I tried extra hard to obliterate her via fire from my fingertips.  At this point, Daniel told me to quit murdering the Spanish language and started laughing at me.  Though I guess I have a bit of work today before I rule the world with the powers of a Dark Lord, I think today was a good start.  My family definitely seemed to get a kick out of me trying to be a Dark Lord.  Maybe next time.

Hasta Banana!

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